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1390 Coral Ridge Dr. Coral Springs, FL 33071

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

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Nitrous Oxide Sedation Coral Springs FL

We’ve all seen the funny videos of dental patients saying wacky things, appearing spaced out and silly beyond their normal control after a procedure. These videos make us laugh and giggle but you, along with many other people as well may be confusing Nitrous Oxide, also known as “Laughing Gas” with an IV sedation for patients who have their wisdom teeth removed. Don’t worry, this is actually a common misconception.

It is a mild sedation that is inhaled through a mask during the procedure and usually wears off within minutes after the treatment is completed. This procedure can be used for many situations but mostly for simple procedures. This nitrous sedation dentistry method used by Coral Springs dentist is to make the patient comfortable and to ease any initial anxiety. Nitrous oxide may be employed in combination with a local anesthetic as well. This method of sedation is not designed to put a patient to sleep or cause any state of unconsciousness. The patient is fully aware of their surroundings and coherent during a procedure.

Nitrous oxide has no smell and no color, you would breathe as you normally would through your nose with the mask on. Before beginning the inhalation, the patient will be administered a steady flow of oxygen. Right before treatment begins the dental team will turn the nitrous oxide on, once inhaled the effects work fairly quickly, creating a sense of calm, and happiness. Some patients can even have fits of laughter. The Coral Springs dentist and dental assistant monitor how you are feeling throughout and can make adjustments as needed. Once the treatment has been completed, the dentist will switch back from nitrous oxide to oxygen to help dissipate the sedation from your body. The benefits of inhaling oxygen before leaving the office include less chance of the patient getting a headache which is a common side effect, as well as aiding in delivery a sense of alertness back. Here are some scenarios in which nitrous oxide may be used:

  • If a patient is anxious and scared of dental visits, the gas can be administered at the consent of the patient to help calm them and ease the visit.
  • It is a preferred method of sedation dentistry in many pediatric offices because of its usefulness.
  • Some procedures like, emergency dental visits and root canals.

Laughing gas is extremely safe to use when administered properly. Like any sedation there can be side effects but very few patients report negative effects. However, these side effects include: light headedness, nausea, shivering, headaches, sweating, and tiredness. These effects can occur if the gas is administered too quickly which can be abdicated by lowering the dosage and administering oxygen in its place.

As with all sedations, some people are advised to consult their doctor and dentists’ before proceeding with Nitrous oxide.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation Coral Springs FL

These people include:

  • Pregnant women
  • Patients with COPD, Emphysema or Bronchitis
  • Patients with prior substance abuse.
  • Patients with Psychiatric conditions

*It is important to note that patients with a history of mental conditions may experience hearing distortions and/or hallucinations. Be sure to inform the dentist of any medications you may be taking.

One way to prepare for an appointment you know will include the administration of Nitrous Oxide are to eat a light meal before to lessen the chance of vomiting. You should be able to drive yourself home after the procedure, the nitrous oxide dental team will want to ensure you are fully alert, so they may want you to stay seated for an additional fifteen minutes.

Here at Lakeview Dental of Coral Springs, we want you to be as comfortable and relaxed with your experience. Feel free to ask us about any procedure, we love to hear from you. Book an appointment online for laughing gas dentist in Coral Springs.

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(954) 738-1398


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