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Clear Braces Coral Springs FL

Looking For Invisalign® Braces In Coral Springs?

Braces have come a long way. Gone are the days of big metal squares and bulky silver wires creating those unsightly railroad tracks across the teeth. For people, especially adults, who are looking for a straighter smile but don’t want the obvious look of traditional braces there is a solution. Invisalign® braces are clear removable plastic trays that are custom-made to fit your teeth. They are designed to give you the smile you’ve always dreamed of, but discreetly.

What Is The Process To Get Invisalign® Braces?

Our team here at Lakeview Dental in Coral Springs can help you get a straighter smile. Our dentist specializes in Invisalign® braces and is able to guide you, every step of the way during your treatment.

First, we will take a number of x-rays and photographs; to determine if Invisalign® braces are best for you. We care about our patients and would never push a product on them we didn’t feel was right for them. After an initial evaluation our orthodontic dentist here at Lakeview Dental will give you an estimated time frame for how long it will take to straighten your teeth with Invisalign® braces. Generally Invisalign® take about the same amount of time as regular braces, 1-2 years.

The next step is to take impressions of your teeth. This way each tray can be made specifically to fit your mouth. Once the trays are made you will come in for an initial fitting. It is normal for the trays to feel a bit tight upon first wear; since they are designed to shift your teeth into a new position.

Invisible Braces Coral Springs FL

Just as with regular braces, during the course of your orthodontic treatment with Invisalign®, you will need to come into our Coral Springs office every 2-4 weeks for our dentist to evaluate your progress. She will check to make sure your teeth are moving as they should. And once your teeth have shifted enough in your current tray you will be issued a new set of trays. This process will continue until your teeth are in their perfect position.

For best results with Invisalign® braces, you should wear the trays about twenty-three hours out of the day. The more time you keep the Invisalign® trays on your teeth, the faster your treatment will be. If you keep them out more than a couple of hours in a day it can really hinder your treatment, prolonging the process.

What Are The Benefits Of Invisalign® Braces?

When you are comparing all of your options for straightening your teeth you should know that there are many advantages to Invisalign® braces compared to the traditional method.

  • Probably everyone’s favorite advantage to Invisalign® braces is that the personalized trays are clear. Most people won’t even notice you’re wearing them.
  • They are far more comfortable. Traditional braces are prone to cause irritation of the gums, tongue and the inside of your cheeks as they run across the metal brackets and wires. Invisalign® are made of smooth plastic trays that should cause no irritation.
  • They are completely removable. This means no more giving up certain foods because they could get stuck in your braces’ wires, no more trying to floss around wires. Simply remove the trays when you are eating, drinking, or brushing your teeth. They’re ultra convenient. And although these clear aligners are discreet, some people even choose to remove them for certain special occasions like a wedding or somewhere where they could be giving a speech.
  • They are easy to clean. It is important to take good care of your Invisalign® or they will stain, but cleaning them is as easy as taking them out of your mouth and brushing them with a good hand soap or even dish soap like Dawn.

Invisalign Coral Springs FL

Make Your Appointment With An Orthodontist In The Coral Springs Area That Specializes In Invisalign® Braces

Invisalign® braces can provide optimal results in straightening your teeth and improving your bite. If you are looking for a dentist who handles Invisalign® braces near you then look no further. Whether you are interested to know more about Invisalign®, the process or their cost, or if you have any questions about straightening your teeth, don’t hesitate to ask our dentist at our Lakeview office in Coral Springs. She will be more than happy to help you. Book your appointment on our online form or call us at (954) 738-1398 today.

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